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Procedure documentationMaintaining an Interface Design  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Your user master record contains authorization object C_LOVC_DSG with the activity that you want to perform.

The configuration profile contains a name for an interface design under Confign initial screen UserInterf. This activates the function on the value assignment screen.


Go to the characteristic value assignment screen by choosing Values Interface design Overview, then select a characteristics group.

Settings for Characteristics/Characteristic Values

Choose Settings to define whether characteristics and value are processed separately or together (when you move them, for example).


If you use tabs or sequences, you cannot separate characteristics from their values.


You can move characteristics and values:

1. Select the characteristic or value you want to move. Select one line only.

2. Position the cursor where you want to move the characteristic or value to.

3. Choose Move. The characteristic or value moves to the new position.

Defining a Border (Only Applies to Characteristics Groups and Pushbuttons)

You can define a border for characteristics or values. To do this:

1. Place the cursor on the top left-hand corner of the border.

2. Choose Border.

3. Enter the border name. You can also enter language-dependent descriptions for the border by choosing Descriptions.

4. Confirm your entries.

You see a message telling you to select the lower edge of the border. Confirm this message.

5. Place the cursor on the bottom right-hand corner of the border.

6. Choose Select.

The characteristics have a border with the description you entered.

To delete a border, select the border with the cursor and choose Delete.

Delete Line/Insert Line

To delete a line, choose Edit ® Delete. To insert a line, choose Edit ® Insert. Inserted lines always appear above the line you select.

Add/Delete Characteristics

Choose Characteristics and select the characteristics you want to add or delete.